A love note, from child to mom, on being enough.
My third and youngest is my child who teaches me to trust myself as a mother – as a woman.
Tonight, when she awoke in the middle of the night, I immediately heard her – I always do. When I scooped her up and sat down to snuggle her, she asked (signed) for milk. She’d had a fever today and I always nurse her when she’s sick. At 19 months this is the longest I’ve nursed any of my kids. I keep telling myself I’m going to ween soon, once she realizes there’s barely any milk and looses interest. But she always wants me. She knows…
Tonight, after she’d drained my milk, I gave her some water and cradled her in my arms. And she kept murmuring “Mama… mama…“, reminding me that all she needed in that moment was me. That I was enough in myself. I took deep, full, slow breaths for her, and she continued, “mama…mama…” sometimes less than a whisper.
This child – who trusts me and believes that the solution she seeks can be found in me – is continuously teaching me that I am enough.

That I have all that is needed.
That I know what to do and am capable of seeing it through.
I am The Mother.
I am a Sacred Woman.
I hold the Divine Feminine.
And so do you. My story is your story. This love note is for you.

You write scared woman and divine feminine as a proper NOUns Or TITLEs. How do you define these terms? They sound very new age and quick web searches bring up some very ungodly ideals. (I’m not yelling the comment section is defaulting to all caps)
Thanks for asking! First of all, I will look into the all-caps thing. So glad you pointed it out.
By sacred, I simply mean “set apart or dedicated to God”. So I am a woman set apart and dedicated to god.
in refering to the divine feminine, I’m speaking to the feminie aspects of god that are embodied in me – Since we are created in the image of god, who encompasses masculine and feminine. I’m learning to honor those Godly feminine elements in how i mother my children, love my husband, and engage with everything around me.
I haven’t really heard language to talk specifically about the feminine aspects of god, so I’m using the words that make the most sense to me right now. I Hope that helps. 🙂